Now that we have DuctTape set up and working we can begin by compiling a simple model.
Starting with our model in XSI we must first freeze all transforms.
We now can export our model for use in the Source engine using the Valve Source plugin for XSI found here.
So now the fun can begin so load up DuctTape and let's get started. First of all we need to load up the SMD so navigated to SMDs folder then loacte the SMD you exported, if it isn't there open it up by going File -> Open then selecting the .SMD file. You should now have a 3d view with your model in and a properties page that loks something like this.
Now we need to go about setting the values found for the compile these are found in the properties panel on the right hand side. First of set the name you want the model to be called. Then you can set the relative directory if you so wish although for this example I entered the path manually therefore there wasn't a need for the relative path. Now go ahead and enter the path for the folder containing the material you want to apply to your model, you enter this in the material directory section. If you entered the relative directory correctly you won't need to change the target path but as I set it manually I edited this to suit my needs.
Now I already created the material in the correct folder therefore it applied the material for me in the 3D view (as seen above).
Now we need to save the .qc filer so go File -> Saveas and choose a directory to save the .qc file. When this is done it should appear in DuctTape under the models/qc folder so now you can build the model by right clicking on the qc file and selecting build.
Quick note: I was working with an alpha build and the saving feature was still abit buggy hence my qc doesn't have a name it was fixed before release to the public so you shouldn't have any problem.
It should then show you the build log and successfully compile.
Now you can open you model in the HL2 model viewer to see that it has compiled properly.
Below is my final result with spec map.
This model has a very simple purpose and didn't need a collision model as it would just interfer with gameplay, and so was going to be clipped in hammer any way. To add a collision mode open up the rig tab at the top of the right panel when creating the .qc and add your extra SMD file there.
So basically add the .SMD of the collision model to in the text box and re-compile your model if needed for this example I just added the same model again and left the default settings in (this is not recommended though) and compiled. Here is the resultant collision model.
A little bit of advice from coder0xff: A lot of functionality in DuctTape can be accessed through drag and drop, for example to add a collision model to your model you can drag and drop the SMD file into the text box or even into the 3D view to add it to the model. If you dragged it into the 3D view just type it out in the collision text box. This also works with texture creation for animated textures and such.